Forensic chambers provide a controlled environment, free from electromagnetic interference (EMI) and ambient RF signals entering or exiting the room. These rooms are suitable for interrogation of electronic devices, evidential proceedings, and examination rooms. Our Forensic rooms are designed with a modular construction that allows for easy disassembly and transport. The chambers are made from 2mm steel panels, offering ultra-high shielding performance. Rooms can be custom designed with an industrial finish or an office-style interior with carpet and furniture. All units include lighting, power, and communication options.
- Quiet rooms for electronic device interrogation
- Military applications
- Police applications
- Evidence rooms
- Examination rooms
- Shielded door
- Self-supporting steel structure
- Modular 2mm steel shielding panels
- Honeycomb vents
- Penetration panel connector
- Industrial and durable finish
- Filters for internal power and lighting
- Fibre optic or dimmable LED lighting

- Shielding effectiveness: EN 50147-1 and IEEE299
- Standard shield performance: 60dB @ 10 MHz, 100dB @ 200 MHz, 100dB @ 1-18 GHz
- RF power line filters
- Internal electrical distribution
- RF signal filters
- Honeycomb waveguide air vents
- Bulkhead connector panels
- Waveguide pipe penetrations
- Custom frequency ranges
- Audio communication
- Power
- Custom interior finishing
- Acoustics damping
- LED ambient lighting
- TEMPEST shielding
- Air conditioning
- Test benches
- Turntable
- Fire detection
- RF vestibules
Faraday CHAMBER Series
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